"Choose you this day whom ye will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Monday, March 11, 2013

Jesse's coming home in 2 weeks!!!! :)

We are getting VERY EXCITED!!!!  After almost 2 years, Elder Jesse Wadsworth returns home in just 2 weeks!  Wow!!!!  Better start cleaning the house, huh?  ;)

Here are some pictures he sent today, and his letter:

Olá família,
This week we had zone conference on Wednesday in Gama with Zona Alvorada. We did a training about companionship study and it went well. Presidente and Sister basically said the same things they told us at the mission council. Sister told of something maybe you have already heard of, a young person who was on top of a wall separating Satan and his followers on one side from God and the righteous and His angels on the other. The young man observed both sides for a long time and after seeing  that only those who were on the side of the Lord called and beckoned him, he asked Satan, "Why don't you also try to persuade me to come to your side?" Satan responded, "Because the wall is mine".
It really is everything or nothing when it comes to the Gospel. 
We have an older couple, I think I already mentioned them—Misael and Ginadete—who have been to church three times in a row now and are preparing to be baptized this Saturday. We were led to them one day while walking in the rain, when we stopped under their porch for a minute and Misael invited us in. It is always interesting to see how people are led to the gospel. I know this is the Lord's work and we must qualify ourselves to participate. If we are faithful the rewards will truly be great. 
I love you all.
Love, Elder Wadsworth

Attached are a few photos:
Me in front of the Ponte JK at Lago Sul
Families we are working with

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