"Choose you this day whom ye will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Update on Elder Wadsworth

In less than 1 month, we will get to see our Johnny again!  We are very excited.  He is doing great and trying to help as many people as possible before he comes home.

Here are excerpts from some of his letters:

I'll just share some little miracle action with you all before the P-day ends. 

When we first got into the area we were looking through LDS Tools trying to figure out which members we should visit. We specifically prayed to know who would have friends that would want to learn about the Gospel. We go to this house looking for Martha and we meet Tara. Tara said Martha is hardly ever there, but we learned that Tara is a member too and comes every Sunday. She said she has roommates who aren't members, so we offered to come read the Book of Mormon with her hoping that her roommates would join. After like 3 cancellations, we made it over last night and because of some miscommunication that I call a miracle we were an hour later than she expected which just happened to be the time that her roommate showed up from work. Her name is Yolanda and we invited her to join in. She brought up a bunch of concerns that she had about Joseph Smith, so I said we'll read the Book of Mormon and find out what's actually in it. We read Alma 7 and her whole attitude about it was completely changed. She opened up and told us how she wanted to be clean from her sins and that she had been baptized before, but only because her pastor was pushy. The crazy thing is that she is Martha's Sister and she was saying how she's seen a huge difference in Martha since she got baptized, so know Yolanda wants to be baptized if she can find out that the church is true. 

The other crazy thing is that me and Jim were messing around with some big old corn cobs like 3 years ago and I took a kernel home which then ended up being in my bag that I brought on my mission. The other day I saw it in my bag and decided to plant it and now I have a nice sprout that's growing really fast. It's not that crazy but kind of cool. 

We also did some service this week pulling blackberry vines and this is what we looked like afterwards. 

Elder Wadsworth

                                     Portland Oregon Mission with Elder Cook and his wife Mary :)

          Two missionaries from our stake serving in the same mission.  Sister Lizzy Williams :)

                   Kernel of corn from home that Johnny found in his bag and decided to plant.  :)