"Choose you this day whom ye will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Dairy Fieldtrip

We had a great time at the Perazzo Dairy for our learning co-op field trip.  D. did a great job with the tour.  We got to help feed calves, put the milkers on the cows, and make a "mixing" of feed for the cows.  The kids really had fun playing on the cotton pile.  They also got dairy coloring books.  It was great-and now I sound like a city dude-taking my kids to see a dairy.  Growing up on a dairy, we used to make fun of people like that.  :)  hehe

 Smile of triumph-Jane just got the milker on.

 The cotton pile-the kids loved it!

 The milk truck coming to pick up the milk.

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