The younger kids and I went to my family reunion this year. Nathan and the older boys were working, baling hay that got rained on, and irrigating. It was tough to drive that distance (12 hours each way) without a relief driver, but I was so glad to there with my family. My favorite part of the reunion was when we got up early one morning (6:30 am.) and did service for my parents. There were lots of people working-some getting wood in for the winter, some washing the outside of the house, some screwing down the tin that was loose on the roof, some washing walls, some trimming and weeding in the garden (yep, that would be where I was:) some sawing wood. It was an awesome feeling to know that so many people would willing sacrifice their sleep and vacation time to show honor and respect to my dear parents and help them as they are aging and can't do it all themselves anymore. LOVED IT!!! :) My amazing sister came up with the idea to have a theme for the reunion, and it was "Firm as the Mountains Around Us". We sang the song several times throughout the reunion and learned lots of stories about our ancestors. It was really neat.

My Dear Parents;)
We played lots of games. Jed was pretty excited about this one:)
massive waterfight amongst the teenagers
service time
I think my second favorite part was on the last day-we went to the cemetary. This is the headstone for my Grandpa and Grandma White. My Dad told stories of our ancestors, their faith and sacrifice, and then we sang "Firm as the Mountains Around Us". It was very moving to sing that there with most of our family, and among the graves of those who have gone before us.
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