I am also excited that those from Star Valley will not have to travel the sometimes treacherous winter drive to Idaho Falls. The drive can be dangerous and fatal. One year three couples were killed in an accident on bad roads on the way to the temple. The winds get blowing and strand people on one side or the other. My parents said they have had times where they have to turn around and go back and get a motel because they can't get through. If you had small children waiting at home for you, that would not be good.
So, Hurray!!!!! A temple in Star Valley!

Googling for information on the Star Valley temple brought me here and I so appreciate your pictures of the valley! I too will look forward to this as it was a fulfillment of prophecy in my family that the Tabernacle would one day be converted.
Allison (Larsen) Sullivan
Now an Atlanta resident
You were the first person I thought of when it was announced! Your parents will enjoy being temple workers in their hometown!
That is wonderful, Allison! I would love to see that prophecy!
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