"Choose you this day whom ye will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15
Saturday, December 26, 2015
Friday, December 18, 2015
Merry Christmas!!!
We hope your Christmas season is filled with love and joy and the Spirit of Christ. We are forever grateful for His loving sacrifice for all mankind and His abundant love and mercy for all.

Brent-serving a mission in Africa

Yes, Johnny, you do have to get a picture taken:) haha

The Newly Weds:) plus the first grand baby on it's way:)

Brent-serving a mission in Africa

Yes, Johnny, you do have to get a picture taken:) haha
The Newly Weds:) plus the first grand baby on it's way:)
Monday, November 23, 2015
I love this girl and her testimony!
Sariah will be home from her 18-month mission in New York in 2 DAYS!!!! We are so excited. I love her last letter:
"I remember my first day in New York...who wouldn't? You step off the plane and the humidity slaps you in the face and you realize you might be walking around in it all day for the next 18 months. When the new missionaries get here President tells us "this isn't a handcart mission, it's a bullet train mission....jump on the train and let's go" or in the words of Elder Holland "Start fast, run hard, and to the tape, you can rest later." This has been the most wonderful 18 months of my life. There was happiness and heartbreak, there were long days of walking the streets trying to find someone who would listen. But somehow it all went by so fast! Too fast. I am so grateful for this opportunity...we don't give the Lord anything when we serve Him because we are blessed to immensely for any small amount we do give. We cannot give Him a crust without Him giving a loaf in return. I only wish I could have done more. But it's okay because it isn't over for me, and it never will be. Still on the same team just playing a different position. A disciple of Christ never throws in the towel no matter what they've already given. There is always more to give.
I love my Savior. I know this is all true because if it wasn't I wouldn't be changed, and neither would any of the people I've taught. But they are! And I am! And each person stands as living, walking evidence that the atonement can heal what we cannot heal, can fix that which is beyond repair, and can mend our broken hearts and dry up our tears. "Wherefore, how great the importance to make these things known unto the inhabitants of the earth, that they may know that there is no flesh that can dwell in the presence of God, save it be through the merits, and mercy, and grace of the Holy Messiah, who layeth down his life according to the flesh, and taketh it again by the power of the Spirit, that he may bring to pass the resurrection of the dead, being the first that should rise." {2 Nephi 2:8}
I am forever changed from serving here, and even though there is trash all over the streets and it's loud and there are lots of bad attitudes NYC will always be special to me because this is where I came to "the knowledge of a Redeemer." And I do know that my Redeemer lives.
I love you all so much!
Sister Wadsworth
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Do it Yourself Hoop house with hog panels and pallets
That sweet hubbie of mine built me a hoop house last year. We started out on the small side to see if it was going to work and be worth it. It has been growing stuff well, and I love it! So, that sweet hubbie of mine added on to it this fall for me!!! We got it done a couple of hours before the first hard frost and snow came. Whew!
Cutting old soaker hose to cover the edges of the hot panel on the end so it doesn't make holes in the plastic.
Trying a woven plastic with a 4 year guarentee. Hope it works better than last years! :)
We criss-crossed twine back and forth to help hold down the plastic.
Last fall's plantings of swiss chard, onions, and some strawerries.
Just in time-here's the snow:)
Swiss Chard and lettuces starting in the greenhouse to move to the hoop house.

Cutting old soaker hose to cover the edges of the hot panel on the end so it doesn't make holes in the plastic.
Trying a woven plastic with a 4 year guarentee. Hope it works better than last years! :)
We criss-crossed twine back and forth to help hold down the plastic.
Last fall's plantings of swiss chard, onions, and some strawerries.
Just in time-here's the snow:)
Swiss Chard and lettuces starting in the greenhouse to move to the hoop house.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Trip to Washington
Nathan and I had fun going on a little date and getting to see Jesse and Whitney and the farm in Washington that Jesse is working on for his internship. We did get to see some relatives along the way:)
The Columbia River is awesome and amazing! We need one of these by our farm:) haha
The hills make the farm look so pretty.
We got to see the temple there! Yea! :)
It was awesome to see Brent and Rose-they drove over an hour to see us:)
These people do some serious hill-farming-how do they do it without rolling?
I got to see my new niece for the first time:)
We also got to see Darren and Anna where they go to church.
The Columbia River is awesome and amazing! We need one of these by our farm:) haha
The hills make the farm look so pretty.
We got to see the temple there! Yea! :)
It was awesome to see Brent and Rose-they drove over an hour to see us:)
These people do some serious hill-farming-how do they do it without rolling?
I got to see my new niece for the first time:)
We also got to see Darren and Anna where they go to church.
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