We made the dress and jacket a couple of years ago for Christmas. Can you tell Natalee loves purple?
"Choose you this day whom ye will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
The girls have been wanting to have a break from the usual school, so we did a home ec day on Friday. Natalee made a blanket and pilllow for her doll, Ada finished sewing her quilt (with some help) and Jane crocheted some flowers. Earlier in the week, I made swimming suits for us girls, a quilt, and Nathan's been working on some gates for a friend.

Sunday, January 27, 2013
News article on what the "Smart Mormons" believe
I think this guy did a really great job finding out what Mormons believe, as well as explaining it. Check it out!
Friday, January 25, 2013
Preamble to the Constitution-Learning Co-op
We had a great time at the learning co-op this week. We are learning the song, "It's a Small World", and reviewing the continents and oceans. We learned about the states in the Western United States and the kids played musical states. Raelynn did such a great job with that. We started to learn the Preamble to the Constitution. Aleah had a song (it can be found on YOUTUBE) to help us learn it easier. We told the kids whoever has it memorized by next week gets skittles. Afterwards we went swimming. The kids loved that. I finally accomplished my goal to make modest swimming suits for me and my girls. I am so done with things hanging out the back, and hanging out the front, and I didn't want to see those things at all! :) It was a very comfortable feeling to know I was covered where I wanted to be.
Preamble to the United States Constitution
We the People, of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Hopefully we can learn it better than Barney Fife:
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Banana Squares
Banana Squares-Yum!!!
My roommate at Ricks gave me this recipe-I absolutely love it! Not healthy for the figure, though, I'd say.
Banana Squares
1 yellow cake mix, ½ cup soft butter, 2 eggs
combine these , press half into greased 9x13” pan.
3 ¾ cups marshmallows-melt
2 ripe bananas-smash
1 box instant vanilla pudding-------
2 ripe bananas-smash
1 box instant vanilla pudding-------
combine these three and spread over dough in pan. Crumble remaining dough from first mix over top, bake at 350 degrees for 25-30 minutes. These taste better when cooled, if you can wait that long:) (one of my favorite recipes)
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Dairy Fieldtrip
We had a great time at the Perazzo Dairy for our learning co-op field trip. D. did a great job with the tour. We got to help feed calves, put the milkers on the cows, and make a "mixing" of feed for the cows. The kids really had fun playing on the cotton pile. They also got dairy coloring books. It was great-and now I sound like a city dude-taking my kids to see a dairy. Growing up on a dairy, we used to make fun of people like that. :) hehe
Smile of triumph-Jane just got the milker on.
The cotton pile-the kids loved it!
The milk truck coming to pick up the milk.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Monday, January 7, 2013
Off to college!
December 2012
The guys dug a trench and ran water and power to the greenhouse and water down to where the chickens are. What a fabulous gift for me! I am loving it! :)
Ada and Jed, Jane and Natalee helped fill in the trench.
Ada helping with the bread.
Natalee learning how to make a quilt.
Rebekah tearing the old house down to the bones.
It's not exactly "move-in-ready- unless you are a bird:)
Fun when it's o.k. to do this!
Jane helping up top-with plenty of ventilation:)
Gutting the kitchen.
What's this? I think it's snow!
In the greenhouse-spinach, lettuce, chives
Jane finished her quilt
The kids getting off the old shingles-Jared fixing the wiring.
Bringing a load of hay from Winnemucca.
Nathan taught Rebekah how to make picture frames, so she made some for us to give away at Christmas. She also surprised us and made a big one for us. We love it!
The two little munchkins
Jane and Ada raking the trash up.
Fixing the old shed
Rebekah's last day to have braces! Hurray! :)
What? It doesn't fit? (chuckle) "Measure twice, cut once"
Nathan and Brent have been fixing up the old cadillac
Job security
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